Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Little Apologetics for the Soul

How can there be a God when there is evil in the world?

An argument against why God allows “evil,” for say, in this world and in people life would be, because He didn’t want us to be as the animals, like robots using only mere instinct or what was programmed. He wants us to truly think and choose on our own to believe in Him or not to believe, because of His great love, wanting true love back from us. To put it in our view, which kind of love is more important: a dog’s love or a person’s love? A person’s love right, because that kind of love is more true considering the fact that a person can choose to love and a dog is chosen, by you, to love. God treats winning our love the same way, not speaking for God however but by experience, by letting us truly choose for ourselves to give that love back to Him. Although, this is not some kind of selfish love either, where God is letting evil in your life making no way out sending us to Hell if we mess up; the troubles that happen in life are to make us stronger for this world and/or the next. Also, to show Himself to you, that we need Him in our everyday life, because we are far from perfect. It’s His great love that saves us from our own sins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey b
deep stuff

A Little about Me and My Blog

A little background on me perhaps may suit the best of your interest; who in the right mind, anyways, would want to obtain knowledge from an unknown. My name is Bjorn from an unknown state, if you catch my drift, and the reason I decided to write a blog, simply is because of the very fact that I think almost alien to the norm of my age, being a teenager, feeling obligated to write down and publish my thoughts, ideas, and central steps to a life filled with what everyone is searching for; a life of happiness, joy independent of circumstances, and wealth in knowledge. Although, this is my blog’s topic, certainly beyond extraordinary, I can’t say myself that I have achieved perfect happiness, for I am just as humanly blooded as you are. However, I must say this ahead of time that without the belief of an almighty, one and only God, happiness is impossible to obtain. I know this might deeply anger some of you, but every human being has a whole in their heart that can only be filled by God Himself. We must come to an understanding that life is not centralized around our self and that rejection of God is caused by our own pride fullness and selfishness; that is rejecting logic, making ourselves Gods.

Again, this blog is entitled Beyond Extraordinary, and I am the author, Bjorn. You can contact me at my email:, if you have any questions or concerns. I am excited to see the outcome of this blog. God Bless